Work and Testing Capabilities Provided:
Construction Testing
- Concrete Coring - 4 and 6-inch diameter cores
- Hand Augers - 0 to 12-feet
- Footing and Foundation measurements
- Proof-rolling of subgrades
- Dynamic Compaction set-up and monitoring
- Retention system excavation monitoring
- Slurry wall monitoring
- Caisson monitoring
- Pile driving and augercast pile monitoring
Geotechnical & Structural Instrumentation
- Vane Shear Testing
- Pressuremeter Testing
- Vibration monitoring- capable of monitoring tunnels +400 feet deep (Chicago & Denver)
- Inclinometer installation and monitoring
- Load test for caissons, piles. micro piles and tieback anchor systems
- Installment of Utility Settlement Indicators and Settlement Plates
- Radar measurements of velocity for dynamic compaction weights
- Penstock water systems for Dams monitoring
- Vibrating wire strain gauges, Extensometer and Piezometers for rock tunnel monitoring
- Multiple borehold Extensometers (MPBX), El Beam Sensors, Convergence Tape Extemsometers